Monday Mantra

I am a good person. I am a good person. I am a good person.

Mantra for a Monday. I come into my office and someone has decided to move my desk. Now, i am not an intolerant individual. But i don't like surprises like that. For one thing, my back is to the door. Not going to work for me. And knowing my current boss, she is going to try and dog me into keeping it that way. so a fight first thing this morning. yea.

Its a small thing, easily changeable. but tapped a deep root that i have been contemplating for a couple of weeks now. How do people really see me? Or do they? And if they do why are they judgemental? I have recently been accused of being crazy, and also being a soul's affirmation. I am on the extremes of life. Do people misinterpret me so much? Am i that vulnerable that i get labeled, cornered and holed by others ideals? I am not a quiet person. I state my mind frankly, and honestly. I expect nothing in return. Less than nothing. People should give because they want to. Not because of some ritual based in history. My relationship with my ex is proof enough of that trait. Blog on that issue in future. (Pre-view: Father of my child, no child support, and not a card call or letter to the baby or me in two years. The beauty is i am at peace with that.)

I just want a body of water to look at and reflect on what i want out of my own life. Since the rest of the world has left me to my own defences, so be it. Love is love. Despite its forms or descriptions. If you don't know it, give me a call. I will be glad to share some of my overabundance.

My wish for today is peace and finding some kind of understanding. inside myself. For that is where the true peace begins. For me and my son. And for anyone willing to seek it out.


Michelle said…
Do you mean the people in your life, Melanie? Friends, family, or co-workers? 'Cuz I think I'd just ask them outright what makes them think that. Then I'd listen carefully. If there was some truth to what they said I'd take a look at my life and see what was going on (feedback can be priceless when it is given with love and not with animosity). If their words really didnot seem to apply to me then I would thank them for sharing and just move on.

You know yourself.

I've been given feedback from friends that was difficult but,in the end, I thanked them and loved them all the more for caring enough about me to tell me the truth. It made a huge difference in my life and made me be able to step away from a marriage that was destroying me from the inside out.

You will find your way down the path that is meant for you, Melanie. I believe that.

Mermaid Melanie said…
Mostly coworkers. I did have the discussion with them as well. Some valid. Some fear based. Some jealousy.

I took a course Called More to Life. Since that time i am completely open to what others see, and can hear even when it is unpleasant or disturbing. And be grateful for the information to allow me positive choices.

its nice that you said the same thing. I am grateful for you words. everyday!


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