taco stand guy

So another tragic tale of the lonely spinster. I am going to get cheap gross tacos for dinner cuz i am too depressed to cook. I had stopped at the convenience store, 2 blocks from my house for some conveniences. Forgot to put on my seat belt as i drove off. The highwy patrolman was soooo nice when he gave me the ticket. Which begs the age old question: Why do we need to be regulated to death? Moving on to tacos....

I go 2 more blocks to the Taco Hut...not its real name. I refuse to say in order to maintain my facade of a gourmet eater. Driv up to the menu board. This voice that asks me what i want is mezmorizing. i stammer through an order with some witty white girl banter. Get up to the window, and there is this kid with these gorgeous eyes and the VOICE... i try to remain detached as i am still stewing over the ticket from cute ass in uniform, and drive off thinking...OUCH~ this dry patch better end soon. You know that is evident when the minimum wage guys are lookin good. Really good. stop.

can anyone come to the rescue!? ARG!


newwavegurly said…
Feeling a bit hormonal, are we?
Dry spells suck... but we survive them and we appreciate it that much more when it's over.

(that sounded somewhat convincing, didn't it?)
bhd said…
Screw it. Enjoy your fantasy with the taco guy. What the hell. It's a victimless non-crime. And take it from a geezer like me: dry spells do indeed end.
bhd said…
And I'll confess. One of the nicest respite-from-dry-spell encounters was with a young fellow on probation, nothing serious, dealing pot or something. My roomie picked him up hitchhiking, as we were on a mission to get with some other friends for my birthday. We needed glasses as drinking out of the gallon jug of wine (while driving) was tedious. (She knew his roommate, it turned out, so there was some measure of safety. This is also where the glasses turned out to be.) Rita called him my birthday present. Oh yeah. He was sweet. He held my hand and danced with me. He was good. And the best part was I never ever saw him again.

Okay, this was like 28 years ago, but so what? I'm sure it happens nowadays, too.
Alison said…
It's probably better to fantasize about the Taco Guy than about one of your students.

Not that I've ever done that, mind you.
Mermaid Melanie said…
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laprincessa said…
Well, as I always say, Things have to get bad so you KNOW when they're good.

Hang in there, toots. It'll get better!
Michelle said…
Jason is cracking me up!

Extra cheese, bay-bee!
Anonymous said…
You want guacamole with that? :)

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