Tuesday Toss UPs

No i am not talking about tossing the cookies. Although it is a contender upon entering my workplace. So be it. Pressing on.

As i leave my apartment I am in high spirits, despite the knowing i am going to have to drop off the joy of the day at daycare. I enjoy the ride & the music on the radio. Austin and I jam to Sympathy for the Devil, Stones. He is laughing at his silly mommy imitating Jagger lips and jerks. We cross the town i became an adolescent in. Sometimes flashes of those days hit me. Other days i enjoy seeing it as a new place. Deciding despite its boring flat and uninspiring scenery, i will try to appreciate where i am.

The street we drive up to his daycare on has old houses on blocks. Each day a block from his school, we pass an unkept old white house. Out in front of this castle is the owner. This man sits in a plastic chair, about 3 feet from the street. He wears a faded ball cap. He has coke bottle glasses. And i would be surprised if he has any teeth. His mouth is always held gaping open. He watches as life goes by. I often try to wave at him, but i don't think he sees me. It scared me at first thinking how long is he going to be out there? Does he have someone to bring him water in this insufferable Texas Heat? Then consider that he is there everyday. He must be able to take care of himself. or have support. My thoughts often wander to his history. What has he done in his life? What is the landscape that makes up his current being? where has life taken him? As he sits on his plot of land, what is he looking for? Do other people see him? I know i do. Some day i may even stop and give that man some water. That would make my day!

The pictures i see everyday in life are my landscape. I have to remind myself that no matter what people do to themselves they are not intended for me. Even though those actions affect me, i must remember we all have our trials. And mine are mine alone. Not my sons, not my bosses, and not my friends. I can use my wisdom to better my surroundings in any way I choose. Let those choices be positive. And life affirming. And if they can't be, let them be a moment landing then taking off to land somewhere else. And perceive the lessons for their worth.


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