You know, i am just sayin!

Always always has been my favorite day of the week. Its the day when everyone at work, no matter what, is in a good mood. When you leave early to start your weekend. Its Payday! you know that extra $1.50 is great at happy hour, or dinner out! Its the night of the week for mindless partying, because you are too tired for a major event. Well, unless of course that is the only night that particular event is happening. But dress up events on Friday, like the opera, or symphony, thats just asking for naptime during the event.

It marks a passage into the weekend, and that is always a pleasant air. I have nothing planned for tonight, and i am soooo glad! Have a great weekend all campers and campees!

Safe journeys to your particular events, and no drinking and driving. Give the cab drivers something to do. ;-)


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