dreamers kiss

My lips are moist with
the lucious anticipation of
your breath against them
the taste of desire awaits

in a dream i call to them
reaching out to touch yours
with fingertips light as a breeze
soft caress against your warm sigh

to sing a song with mine
a song my heart keeps writing
words into the air are alive
your soul sings this song with me.

i want to hear the words
your lips sing along with mine
together as our eyes meet in time
opening doors that seal our tomorrows

painted and perfect waiting in the garden
catching the smile that melts the cold
never wanting it to be and yet i know
if it doesn't, my life is incomplete.

you woke me in the morning of the night
whispering in my ear from so far away.
taking my dreams to you and setting fire
to the desires we both deny to be real.

let us be for now, let us be forever
let us be us for ourselves and smile
our lips so close our breath is stilled
waiting for the perfect moment to sing.

a song our dreamers kiss unites
our lives bound in wisdom beyond our souls
how do we catch our words or speak them
tell me my sweet soul. i rely on your vision

unspoken and true. alive and real
waiting to see what your eyes tell me
how mine respond to them alike
how mine respond in kind. in kind...

its a dreamers kiss that stands here
a kiss responding outside boundaries
making itself alive in my blood.
it will not die until passed between us.


Alexandra said…
This is beautiful, Melanie. It truly does sound like something from a poetry book. *noseybutt* Makes me wonder if there is someone it's written for specifically, or just "someone, some day." Heh.
edieraye said…
Oh that is divine!
b said…
Lovely poem - it's like dreaming awake.


If you keep posting s'mokin'! poems like this your blog will get all sticky. :)
Mermaid Melanie said…
Jas, now that is the highest compliment. i hadn't thought of publishing. but once i get a batch of these steamy verses, maybe some soft erotica images...i will sign and send on.

Dear Doc, remember you are responsible for the education of offspring. keep it ...well, sheathed!

lexie, thanks love for the nudgies...and written from a dream that i had. woke up like in the verse and the words just kept coming into my head...and i had to get out of bed to write them down. truth? i think for someone now and yet to be.

B. :hug:
as previously stated this one woke me up from a dead sleep. i heard a voice in my head calling to me. and repeating the first four stanzas. over and over, till i had to get out of bed and write them in my journal. well, smokin and sticky. sounds like a cinnamon roll. yea i needs me some sugar...:wink:

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