Two Women, Both me.

Last night, another dream permeated the memsahibs soul. And so it goes...

Sitting at a spirtual gathering, a spiritual knowledge-fest. In uncomfortable chairs. Having to go to the bathroom. Now i don't know what the signifigance is of the bathroom in dreams (other than the body saying, its time to go) but they occur frequently for me. I rose at an unappropriate time to go. Only letting one person in at a time says the gate keeper. I enter. As always in my dreams, its messy and wide open! no privacy. so what, nature calls and i respond.

Upon leaving i find that four women dressed in evening gowns (assuming i am part of these glam gals) leave the get together. As we hit the streets on our way to a party this series of events occur. One of the women wants to play a joke on the local call girl/ red light abode. Knocks on the door disguises her voice with an absurd and outragous request. We decide to leave her to her fate, and continue. Now there are three.

A second one wanders off, to we know not where. Then there are two.

The last two enter the building where the party is in full swing. In the lobby is a beautiful gold plated mirror, floor to ceiling. The women, one a young eager spirited redhead is discussing the man she is meeting at the party. His charms and wisdoms. And his spirit. She also goes on to describe an exmate of the older one who has recently been separated and is interested in seeing this older redhead. Beyond excited the younger girl says. They both turn to the mirror for the final "Do i look fabulous" reflections I look into the eyes of the older more nervous woman, knowing exactly what she is feeling. As she looks to the younger girl to bask in her youthful spirit and enthusiasm, i realize that both these women are me. And i continue to mess with my HAIR! tee hee... looking fabulous in both reflections.

I awake with a smile, and ponder. write in my journal to retain this memory. I am both the older and younger versions of this fiery redhead. Wise and youthful. Anticipating with unquestioning suspense and cautious. Having the new and the old in balance. My next phase will take all these aspects into test. and make it a new and wonderful picture that i can hang on my wall someday, and say, i knew you when. I am a woman in balance. A two sided coin.

And with that i move into the hurry up and wait for the next enlightening dream leading me further and further towards the ultimate destiny. Sooner than later it seems. Halla freakin luyah!

and so it goes and goes and so it goes.. and i with it!


Alexandra said…
I LOVE telltale dreams that are very clear like this!!! Hell, I just love hearing people's dreams period! Thanks, Captain! xoxo
S.A.M. Tanner said…
Ya gotta avoid those pizzas before sleep! (big wink)
winter said…
Intriguing ...
Anna said…
Before I got to the mirror part, I already knew that I wanted to comment to you that in our dreams, all of the characters are us. Then, then next sentence I read is about the young redhead, followed by the older one! So, you're also the other two women, the one making the outrageous request and the wanderer. Sounds fitting to me. :)
Michelle said…
Being okay with what we see in the mirror is ALWAYS a good thing!

Good luck on your new adventure ahead...
edieraye said…
What a fabulous dream! More telling to me than your dream is your interpretation of it. Your optimism and enthusiasm are infectious!

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