
The trees have been speaking with me this month. images appear in bark and in the formations..

When i was at the SFM, i found myself sitting on the porch alone. Feeling settled. Satisfied. At home in my skin. I looked out to the fire, and in between me and the fire was a pine tree. In the bark of the tree was a face. It was looking right at me as if to say, do you see me? i am talking to you. I was frozen here for an hour waiting. i have something to tell you. I picked up my sketch pad, and quickly sketched his face. He was peaceful, winking, knowing me inside.

Then today, i looked out to the yard and saw a branch on the pecan tree, and it was a woodpecker. It was naturally shaped into a form of a bird. i sat there and stared. I couldn't take my eyes off of it! I wonder if it will be there tomorrow? I will still be looking for it.

The trees are talking to me. I hope they are a symbol of guidance and ever watching guardians of what is before me. I feel free and wise. And able to work at whatever it takes. Knowing i am being guarded by the ancients.

sleep well all that pass here. See the trees not the forest. They are trying to say something to you.


Anonymous said…
I had the great pleasure of meeting some trees this summer while hiking in the Sierras. A wealth of strength and peace. Thank you Melanie for bringing that moment back to me and reminding me to look for more of them in the future.

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