More than this

You know theres nothing
More than this...

sigh. isn't there? more than the daily struggle of just existing, and learning to accept the things we can't change? I mean come on. Dreams come true everyday. Mine are still in the progress of developing. I am learning that i may not really know what they are, because they seem to just show up after i decide something else is what i want.

Like today, my son received a new pair of Chucks in the mail from his auntie/godmother Robin. He is all excited. Now he didn't know they were coming, and yet new shoes were his dream.

i am just feeling a bit under the gun and venting. it will pass. and i had a sex dream. its kind of depressing knowing that wont happen again this year either. Or will it?


.Michael Simon said…
Converse shoes are amazing. and its great how many dreams can be fulfilled when your a kid, not only because they are simpler, but because you truly believe anything is possible.

kinda miss those times.
Alexandra said…
See, need to vent in the moment. You know it will pass. You go through these things too, from time to time. So I'm not going to give you all kinds of advice you already know and are doing most of the time. Doesn't that feel good, to just be accepted exactly where you are (were) that day?

I support you, Melanie. And thanks for sharing! :hug:

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