National De-Lurking Week

Need i say more? This was stolen from Sister Universe, who stole it from Rude Cactus. Which means i am going to have to do some serious Blog Surfing these next couple of days.

Name thyselves. Make me know you. And know that I appreciate your eyes scanning my thoughts. Everyday.


bhd said…
I name myself Okaleeshamentaballs.
Anonymous said…
Curse you for tricking me into not lurking!!! Life will never be the same again!!!
Margaret said…
i am here... :)

Anonymous said…
An Urban Femme said…
Pffft! I'm not a lurker...I'm a stalker!
winter said…
Behold, it is I!
Anonymous said…
Yo. :wave:
JohnB said…
Thanks for the comment. Hope all is well.
Anonymous said…
From PYRO (no blogger account set up)

I almost never read blogs, so I'm not really a lurker. But your request in AU to check your blog did not go unheeded by me!!

Much love to ya, girlie!!
newwavegurly said…
I'm not so much a lurker as I am a cautious comment poster. :lol:
.Michael Simon said…

first post

add some aww songs and bring out your kid romantic :P

"And the reason i should learn to not say everything that pops into my head."

say EVERYTHING that's in your head, and never be bashful.
Michelle said…
I may be strange but I'm no stranger!

Mermaid Melanie said…
thanks to those who acknowledged visiting here!

You make my life a little more shiny. :HugS:
S.A.M. Tanner said…
I am here... but disappear!!

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