Night Terrors
I hope you don't mind me sharing these beautiful cards with you. A very good friend, Sister Universe, made me a present of them. And as they come up, i like to share them with you. Its a nice way to see your way down this spiritual path, journey, bumpy road we call existence. And an insight to things you already know to be true. Such is todays card. Tell me what you see. I think its obvious. Mommas little boy gots a guardian angel. Now about the night terrors.
Last night my son woke up every 45 minutes. sobbing, saying mamma mamma mamma. He is only two 1/2 and doesnt really communicate well. Words are not sentences. I couldn't tell if he was having a nightmare, or just plain terrors. I walked him around the apartment a few times, turning on the lights. leavingthem on so he could see everything. And rocking him humming. trying to be as peaceful as possible. I realized how much the cruel world plays with our minds. Little ones especially since they dont have an immediate answer to why things are happening.
Somedays i worry about being a mother. Why did he pick me? Am i responsible enough? Am i doing the right things... Who knows. we have a great partnership. Its missing an element, but that may change in time. For now, i rock him to sleep. feed him. bathe him. take him outside. Let him live and play in the rain. walk in the sunshine. help him learn. and take time for myself. so i dont damage the little bugger! :wink:
I spoke with his Dr. She instructed us to take the bed out of the room and only leave the mattress and bedding on the if this was an issue of him just wanting to be out of his bed, then there was nothing for us to negotiate over. 2nd, since I could not have him in my bed (new baby sister had arrived), we had to make an agreement that if he became afraid, I would have a cot for him on the floor next to our bed, and he could come into our room and sleep near us, but not with us in our bed.
He understood, and for a very long time I would wake up and find him next to our bed, or outside our door in the hall with his blanket and pillow.
Over time it all worked out...but it was intensely disturbing to me that a child who had always been so easy to put to bed, suddenly was afraid. For whatever reason, during this time, it is important for little ones to know they can depend on you...and this will make a difference in their life. I know it is tiring, I know it is frustrating, but you are doing the right things.
When you feel at your wits end, remember, your reaction to him teaches him how to cope, and how to process fears, and it re-instills that he can trust you to be there for him, always.
And, of course, this is exactly what being a Mom is all about.
You are doing well!
-Cora :)
I love that quote at the end of Hope Floats...
"Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life overcoming."
I wish I could say something more meaningful bur know that you are not alone.
Beautiful cards, beautiful Memmie, beautiful Prince.