
Today marks the anniversary of my body being forced onto this plane of existence. Yep. ITS MY BIRTHDAY! yeehaw... :rolls her eyes: But i am in an exceptionally good mood for knowing that i have survived the last year. I am here. Life is sweet. And someone is looming in my atmosphere that has opened me up to something new. Big shit eating grin here.

Taking stock of the year that is my purpose of this blog. To remind myself of the strength and faith I have in the powers that continue to stick their fingers in my daily concoctions. Thanks to you guardian angels. with out you I wouldn't be living in the beautiful town of Santa Barbara. PARADISE! This place is paradise. And I cross my fingers to be here for an extended period of time.

This time last year:
I was living in Conroe TX. Working in a shack, literally, for people that are not of good intentions. Despite their desire to take care of others, they intentionally justify shameful acts with a love of god and their "connection" with said diety. My son was one year old, coming up on two. I was depressed. But had found a wonderful group of friends online at my FAV radio station. RadioParadise. I suggest it to all that pass here. And that was my link to an outside of myself world. Making plans to attend a party by one of the esteemed members in Pasadena that summer. It was all I lived for somedays. Sad, but life saving for me.

In the meantime, I continued to work. Lost 70lbs in Weight Watchers. Attended Reinstock with a lovely woman from Austin TX as a traveling companion. meeting the faces i had only pictured in my mind. Laughed, sang, saw the beauty of the Southern California terrain. Planning to go to another California Function in Sept. My sisters wedding! Now i am a person that swore she would NEVER live in CA. But after the three trips i made (family reunion the year before) to California in two years, i was hooked. Daydreaming of living somewhere other than the most humid place on the planet. And a place my son would have so much more opportunity.

So fast forward. I moved in with my friend in October, and lost my job two weeks later. Ouch, and yet compelling evidence it was time to go. With a small amount of money in my pocket, and a dream as big as the state of California, I put my things in storage, and drove away west. I had no job. no place to live. Some family and friends there I could count of for a little while! And I did it! People, I have gotten an apartment and a little bit of work while I am here. Still looking but staying alive! Having faith.

This blog is already too long for my tastes. so let me end your pain.

What makes up a memsahib: I am a stubborn human being and tenacious. I have accomplished things people said I would never be able to accomplish. (and to them I say neener neener). I live for the faith I see in myself due to the fact I am a single mother, without support from the sperm donor and have managed to make a happy peaceful world for my son to exist in. I have a beautiful baby boy, and even though he is two, its kinda great. I love the people I have met along the way. Each of them has given me a little piece of wisdom that I can share with the world. Know that you are appreciated everyday. I look to each corner of life to find the ways to be with an extremely open mind. I have a great gift with words. And all said and done… I am pretty darn sexy and cool. So today is a celebration day for person who has become a memsahib.

Now about those last 40lbs. BE GONE WITH THEE~! I am waiting to share this body with someone and I want it to be now. Where are you companion!? cuz I wants me birthday prezzie…. evil sinister laugh here.

We all deserve to be happy. Make love not War people. It’s the only place we have to live. For now. :puts her hand up in the air, and bobs her head, rock and roll style: Rock On People.


An Urban Femme said…
You are in SUCH a better place this year, girl!! Rock ON! &, of course, Happy 29th Birthday!
Anica said…
Happy Birthday Mem. I am so in awe of what you accomplished that I am inspired to do the same. SLowly but surley.

You totally rock and roll, rule the pools and shake the lakes.

You are totally awesome! :hug:
Happy Birthday! I'm drinking to celebrate... actually I was drinking anyway, but now that I read your post, I'll drink to celbrate! Wee hew!

Your cybertwin...

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