Two days ago in a beautiful park in Santa Barabara, i saw a hummingbird. Those fascinating little creatures are a site to see in nature. Funny thing, this sweet little bird was stalking me... staring at me. Would fly a wee bit away, and then come right back up to eye level about 8 feet from me. It was amazing. He/She kept doing this for about 7 minutes.
I wonder what it was trying to tell me? does anyone know? goes to google hummingbird as a sign... :wink:
edit: upon research i found this:
Hummingbird: Symbolizes devotion, permanence and eternity. This is a strong symbol in disguise because although the hummingbird is small in stature, it is extremely determined in it's own territory.
Hummingbird - Messenger, stopper of time, optimism, sweetness. Being able to roll with the punches is an attribute of Hummingbird.
HUMMINGBIRD Agility. Love. Beauty. Among the more northern nations, the Hummingbird is seen as a messenger. If he appears during a time of great sorrow or pain, healing will soon follow. He also symbolizes the fragility of nature and all living things.
Hummingbirds in Native American Tradition
Whether this qualifies as "natural history" may depend upon your own beliefs, but Peter Guanikeyu Torres, President and Council Chief of the Taino Indigenous Nation of the Caribbean and Florida, said:
The Taino Native American people were the first people to meet Columbus in 1492. The Hummingbird is the symbol of the spreader of life on the Earth. It also symbolizes the rebirth of the Taino Indian Nation of the Caribbean and Florida. We also call our Warriors, Colibri Warriors (Hummingbird Warriors), as the Hummingbird is very peaceful but, it protects it own homeland with the heart of a Eagle. Our history tells us the small Hummingbirds were at one time small flies that Agueybaba the Sun Father transformed one day into little birds.
Have a great weekend, Mel!