What If...

Not much to say this morning so...

I wish i was independantly wealthy, because then i could...

finish the statement. and have fun with it.


ptooey said…
...pay a lackey to pull my finger.

I'd be traveling up north alot to visit a loved one.
...come out there so I could take pictures of your toes myself and give you a personal Tarot reading finally!
Mermaid Melanie said…
P... giggles. is that all you think about ?

stephanie - oh really! do tell... :wink:

Cyber bro - getcher asskin down here... and bring the wife and kids
Greg the Surly said…
I'd buy a pony named burt.
Mermaid Melanie said…
i would buy an RV and a Nikon D200 and take a road trip. a long cross country Road trip documenting, videoing, and do a film/video/slothumentary. And find a place i could afford to live.

then land and start my own business. :wink:
I'd do a similar thing as you, Melanie, only I'd pay someone else to drive. And hopefully this driver also gave killer massages and made a mean margarita.

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