Seven Things Meme.
I borrowed it from Painting Chef. If you have never seen her blog, check my links list. She is a sassy one. So here is my contribution to the meme consortium.
7 Things I Can Do:
1. Roll my tongue.
2. Sing & play guitar. I love it. I do it...alone mostly.
3. I can make a mean Beef Wellington ~ I love to cook.
4. Fish. I love to go fishing. for some reasons the fish love me too.
5. Draw/paint Not excellent, mostly things that come out of my imagination. I have a hard time rendering. I see things differently.
6. Talk on the phone and work at the same time.
7. Make people laugh. Belly laugh.
7 Things I Cannot Do:
1. play the piano.
2. Surf
3. Sit still/pay attention for long periods of time.
4. Tolerate Ignorance.
5. wait in line peacefully.
6. surgery.
7. know when to shut up.
7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1. Lips. oh yea...ummmmm lips....
2. Eyes...even better.
3. A sense of Humor, probably the most important thing.
4. Someone who loves music. all types of music.
5. Someone that is patient, cuz I can be a spaz.
6. Affection. they have to be on the affectionate side. I like to touch.
7. Wisdom. Intelligence. Someone that thinks for themselves. and expresses it without judgment.
7 Things That I Say Most Often:
1. hell, yea.
2. AUSTIN! (my sons name at a loud volume, like he can't hear me. LOL)
3. amen.
4. Hey!
5. What?
6. Water
7. Just a minute...
7 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Tim Roth, I know, I am weird.
2. George Clooney. looks and a sexy voice.
3. Patrick Stewart. Make it so number one.
4. Jake Gyllenhaal sad he is only going to get better looking as he gets older.
5. Carmine Giovinazzo...currently on CBS series: my roommate says I like skinny geeky guys. LOL
6. Viggo Mortensen when he is scruffy.
7. Denzel Washington. That man is SEXY!
7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die:
1. Fall in Love
2. Publish a book of Poetry
3. Paint a mural
4. Go to Italy
5. Record an album, alone or with someone.
6. Live on the beach.
7. Give my son a great life.
7 People I Want to do This:
I am not going to do another list of people. Just do it. Its an easy blog entry.
7 Things I Can Do:
1. Roll my tongue.
2. Sing & play guitar. I love it. I do it...alone mostly.
3. I can make a mean Beef Wellington ~ I love to cook.
4. Fish. I love to go fishing. for some reasons the fish love me too.
5. Draw/paint Not excellent, mostly things that come out of my imagination. I have a hard time rendering. I see things differently.
6. Talk on the phone and work at the same time.
7. Make people laugh. Belly laugh.
7 Things I Cannot Do:
1. play the piano.
2. Surf
3. Sit still/pay attention for long periods of time.
4. Tolerate Ignorance.
5. wait in line peacefully.
6. surgery.
7. know when to shut up.
7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1. Lips. oh yea...ummmmm lips....
2. Eyes...even better.
3. A sense of Humor, probably the most important thing.
4. Someone who loves music. all types of music.
5. Someone that is patient, cuz I can be a spaz.
6. Affection. they have to be on the affectionate side. I like to touch.
7. Wisdom. Intelligence. Someone that thinks for themselves. and expresses it without judgment.
7 Things That I Say Most Often:
1. hell, yea.
2. AUSTIN! (my sons name at a loud volume, like he can't hear me. LOL)
3. amen.
4. Hey!
5. What?
6. Water
7. Just a minute...
7 Celebrity Crushes:
1. Tim Roth, I know, I am weird.
2. George Clooney. looks and a sexy voice.
3. Patrick Stewart. Make it so number one.
4. Jake Gyllenhaal sad he is only going to get better looking as he gets older.
5. Carmine Giovinazzo...currently on CBS series: my roommate says I like skinny geeky guys. LOL
6. Viggo Mortensen when he is scruffy.
7. Denzel Washington. That man is SEXY!
7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die:
1. Fall in Love
2. Publish a book of Poetry
3. Paint a mural
4. Go to Italy
5. Record an album, alone or with someone.
6. Live on the beach.
7. Give my son a great life.
7 People I Want to do This:
I am not going to do another list of people. Just do it. Its an easy blog entry.
1. Sense of humor (you really make me smile a lot!)
2. Sense of motherhood (your devotion to Austin is actually a turn-on... go figure)
3. Knowledge about movies (man's got to believe in something, I believe I'll watch another movie)
4. Fighting spirit... (you wildcat you!)
5. Did I mention sense of humor?
6. You make me want to be a better man (I will always be jealous of Jack Nickelson for getting to use that line)
Thanks for being you.
edie, i am so on that idea! how fun would that be?
lets see if we can plan that!