The Tree Blossoms
When I first started talking to you the tree was covered in nothing but blooms. When things went bad, all the blooms but two fell off and the tree was bare. As we started talking again, the tree slowly grew leaves with the two blooms on top still in flower. I feel like that describes our relationship. As the days grow longer the tree sprouts out more and more leaves. The tree is filling out with more growth everyday. I look at it and remind myself that sometimes rain falls. And it only makes the tree more beautiful in the coming days. Growing slowly towards the sky with the two blooms still unfolding everyday. And as they die off, the tree will continue to grow. And become a new vision all together.
A friend once said to me love is like a garden. You have to be patient and watch it grow. Feed and tend to it, but you can't force its growth. More and more i understand in my soul what she meant by that. And i feel honored to know you. Hope that you are honored to know me. LIfe moves on. Let us move on with it. Together.
not sure what it means yet. :wink
i gained alot of insight about what that was saying about our connection. wait and be patient. it will bloom again.
thanks for your words bro.